Burns had many poetical influences and someone who influenced him hugely, making Burns into the 'rustic' bard he was, was Edinburgh poet Robert Fergusson who wrote in both English and Scots.
Fergusson was to die aged just twenty four in Edinburgh's Asylum for Pauper Lunatics. When Burns arrived in Edinburgh, he went to find the poet's grave and was dismayed that it was unmarked and unknown.
Burns made it his mission to order a stone in honour of Fergusson who lies in Canongate Churchyard. Since then a statue of Fergusson has also been created and stands outside. This would surely have greatly pleased Burns.
The stone carries an epitaph written by Burns 'No sculptured marble here or pompous say, No stoned urn nor animated bust, this simple stone directs Pale Scotia’s way, To pour here sorrows o’er her poets dust’.
There is further wording stating the meaning of the burial place to Burns. Within Canongate Churchyard, Agnes McLehose is also buried. Her grave is simply marked 'Clarinda'.
Canongate Churchyard has become even more meaningful to Burns now and Robert Fergusson will be held in sacred memory ...
This humble tribute with a tear he gives
A brother bard he can no more bestow
But dear to fame thy
Song immortal lives
A nobler monument
than Art can show ...
Epitaph. Here Lies Robert Fergusson, Poet.